I have a confession to make. It has been a long time since I really loved my business. To be clear, I have never stopped loving my clients or the work I’ve been doing, but Erin Oveis Brant Photography (despite bearing my name) no longer represents who I am or where I’m going. It’s a relic from a time when I wasn’t sure exactly who I was or what I wanted. Over the last 3.5 years I have evolved and learned and become clear about so many things that were previously uncertain. And so it’s time for an outer change to reflect all this inner change. It’s a transformation I’ve been quietly working on for most of 2013. I’m guessing some of you have noticed it has gotten really quiet here on the blog and on my facebook page. Now you know why. I’ve been putting all of my energy into preparing for the next chapter of my life and business. And it’s time to make it official.
It is with incredible excitement (and a healthy dose of fear) that I introduce you to my new brand and business, The Leo Loves!
So what is exactly is The Leo Loves and how is it different from Erin Oveis Brant Photography? I’m glad you asked! Aside from a new website and name, there won’t be a huge difference initially. I’m launching The Leo Loves primarily as a photography business for fun and adventurous people…with a heavy emphasis on lifestyle family sessions in San Diego and surrounding cities. But that’s just the beginning! The really exciting part is that The Leo Loves will be a platform for other projects (some photography related, some not at all) I have in the works. It gives me space to grow and evolve in ways that just aren’t possible with a business branded for photography only. I can’t wait to share all of the ideas and future plans I’m cooking up!!!
How did you come up with the name, The Leo Loves? “The Leo” is me and the site will be dedicated to all of my interests and “Loves.” My astrological sign is Leo and I’ve always strongly identified with the characteristics of the leo sign (creative, warm, playful, loving). When I started thinking about my work and what I wanted for the future I kept coming back to these words. So it seemed fitting to incorporate The Leo into the branding for my new business. I owe many thanks to Ryan + Ben at Land & Sea Co. for helping me through the branding process. They pushed me way outside of my comfort zone and helped me land in a place that finally feels like [my online] home. I adore the look they created for The Leo Loves and I feel so grateful to have worked with such genuinely nice and talented designers! You can read their take on the project here.
What happens now? In addition to launching the new site I’ve also started transitioning to The Leo Loves everywhere else online. It is more of a process than I ever could’ve anticipated! I will post my first blog entry at theleoloves.com in the next week and the Erin Oveis Brant Photography facebook page will flip to The Leo Loves sometime in the next month (fingers crossed!). I’m really hoping the entire process will be complete by Feb 1. Wish me luck!
I can’t thank you enough for all of the love and support you’ve given me and Erin Oveis Brant Photography over the years. I hope you’ll continue with me on the next part of my journey. If this all goes to plan we can put a little more love in our hearts, bring more adventure into our lives, and put a lot more positivity into the world. I truly hope you will join me!!
With so much love and gratitude,
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